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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Iowa State University
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Study Abroad
Volume 11, Issue 3
Depth of knowledge
Iowa State students dive into research during a Caribbean marine biology field course at the Roatán Institute for Marine Sciences in Honduras.
Volume 10 Issue 2
Granting opportunities
Nine stories of faculty and students who went further—from studying tumor DNA to chasing college dreams—thanks to generous alumni and friends.
Volume 8 Issue 2
Students discover stories worth telling in western Ukraine
A new study-abroad course from the Greenlee School allows students to hone their reporting skills in the richly vibrant culture of western Ukraine.
Volume 8, Issue 1
An unpredictable adventure
Life is unpredictable, but Sara Ronnkvist is 100% certain that studying statistics will help her make a positive impact.
Link Fall 2018
A Cyclone changing the world
Nora Tobin ('10 political science) is creating international change with her global LAS education. A young alumna, she heads Self-Help International and works to alleviate hunger.
Link Summer 2017
Developing global leaders on the Mediterranean coast
ISU's largest study abroad program teaches confidence, cultural competency and global perspective.
Link Summer 2017
Around the world in . . . one semester
LAS students share a glimpse of their experiences abroad.