We are happy to welcome Taylor Woodcock, director of volunteer engagement for alumni and friends of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences! Here’s a message from Taylor about some of her work and upcoming opportunities.
As we close out Global Volunteer Month (April), I am excited to introduce myself to you. As director of volunteer engagement, I work to engage and steward current and potential philanthropic partners through volunteer roles that educate, inspire, and encourage a deepening commitment and investment in the priorities of the college.
One of these volunteer roles is serving on the Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC). The DAC is made up of around 30 successful alumni and friends of the college with diverse backgrounds, a breadth of experience, and knowledge of the landscape of higher education. These volunteers come back to campus twice a year to engage with the dean in informed discussions and to share advice about the current and future direction of various programs.
We are currently developing other meaningful alumni volunteer opportunities to support faculty and staff, and most importantly, students. We will share these opportunities and how these volunteers positively impact the college, in future Link issues and across our social media accounts.
Not just in April, but throughout the year, I encourage you to think about how you connect with and volunteer in your own communities. All Iowa Staters – no matter who we are, our backgrounds, experiences, or skillsets – can have a powerful and meaningful impact on our communities through volunteering. As the African proverb quoted by the Dalai Lama says, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent a night with a mosquito.”
Taylor Woodcock
Director of Volunteer Engagement