The magazine for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at
Iowa State University

Introducing Robyn Goldy

On day nine of my job as the new alumni relations coordinator for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, I had the opportunity to attend my first LAS Honors and Awards Ceremony. The accomplishments of this extraordinary group of LAS alumni and friends left me in awe.

These are leaders who are using their LAS degrees in creative ways to address critical issues facing the nation, and the world today. They also generously share their time and resources to serve their communities, stay connected to ISU, and to support current students. They exemplify how the work of one person can make an impact. I encourage you to read more about our 2018 LAS award recipients here.

I hope to make my own impact as I embark on this new role. I have worked in higher education for 19 years now, and I sincerely believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities. In the short time I have been here in the college, I have already seen how dedicated LAS faculty, staff, and alumni have contributed to groundbreaking research, fostering student growth, and positioning the college as a leader in solving complex global issues. I am excited to learn even more and connect with our amazing LAS alumni.

Please do share with me your thoughts and ideas on how I may best serve the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and our alumni. I look forward to hearing from you.

Robyn Goldy
Alumni Relations Coordinator